One Year Later…

(Originally posted on our Tumblr)

It has been one whole year since the Morgentaler Clinic in Fredericton announced it’s closure due to lack of funding.  Those first 24 hours contained a flurry of facebook messages and emails, people reaching out to each other and the creation of our first group emails under the name ChoixNBChoice.

This website quickly followed, allowing us to reach out to the general public for members and support.  This collection of links (particularly a few of the blog posts) is a still a great resource for understanding the lack of access to abortion and reproductive healthcare in the Maritimes.

NB Abortion Rally 20140417 protest2

We’ve protested and sent letters, made phone calls and memes, had meetings with politicians and crowd funded a clinic.  Thank you to everyone who showed up at rallies, contacted MPs, MLAs and Ministers, shared articles on social media and participated in twitter campaigns.  Thank you to everyone who donated to what would become Clinic 554, everyone who voted prochoice in the provincial election, and every single person who has supported access and reproductive justice in New Brunswick.

Reproductive Justice New Brunswick continues to fight for the repeal of harmful restrictions to access and is dedicated to non-oppressive, gender inclusive care becoming the standard in NB and beyond.  If you are interested in joining, contact RJNB though the link above (or on Facebook).


#NBProchoice #ProchoixNB